Herbalism: Celtic Trees

The Celts are known for best organizing trees, their symbols, and properties. They observed a lunar calendar that assigned various trees to coincide with each New Moon. Today, Druids and other Neopagans continue this tradition.

Lunar Calendar

Birch, also Teak
Time: First New Moon after Yule
Approximation: December 24 - January 20
Properties: Fertility, Creativity, Rebirth, Regeneration, Healing, Protection
Element: Water
Tradition: Tie a red ribbon around the trunk of a Birch tree to ward off negative energy. Use for exorcising evil spirits or energy. Traditional wood of witches' brooms.

Time: Second New Moon, Coincides with Imbolc
Approximation: January 21 - February 17
Properties: Hearth, Home, Protection, Initiations, Independence
Element: Fire
Tradition: Hang Rowan staves around your windows to protect your belongings. Carrying increases health, success, strength, and psychic powers. Ideal for dowsing rods. Use to make crucifixes or cross-shaped pendants. Conceal when traveling to ensure safe arrival.

Time: Third New Moon
Approximation: February 18 - March 17
Properties: Karma, Prosperity, Yggdrasil, Introspection
Element: Water
Tradition: Magical and mundane tools made of Ash are more powerful than any other. Prevents drowning and asphyxiation. Scatter the leaves to the four directions around your house to purify the grounds. Repels reptiles, although attracts lightning.

Time: Fourth New Moon, Coincides with Ostara or Spring Equinox
Approximation: March 18 - April 14
Properties: Protection, Divination, Prophecy, Intuition
Element: Air
Tradition: Carry on your person to repel the charms of others.

Time: Fifth New Moon, Coincides with Beltane
Approximation: April 15 - May 12
Properties: Family, Friendship, Healing, Growth, Death
Element: Water
Tradition: A Willow planted near your house will deter natural disasters. Leaves can be used in love potions or healing spells. The traditional wood to knock on to prevent misfortune. Another good choice for besoms, wands, and other magical tools.

Time: Sixth New Moon,
Approximation: May 13 - June 9
Properties: Happiness, Fertility, Projection, Decisions, Business. Finance
Element: Fire
Tradition: Used to decorate May poles. Placed beneath a mattress will ensure chastity or infertility. Carried in a sachet will ensure prosperity. Protects against storms or lightning. 

Time: Seventh New Moon, Coincides with Summer Solstice
Approximation: June 10 - July 7
Properties: Strength, Luck
Element: Air
Tradition: Unlucky for druids to meet when Oak is not present. Catching a falling Oak leaf prevents Winter ailments. Burning Oak indoors pushes sickness out. Planting an acorn in the dark of the moon attracts luck, money, and fertility. Carry an acorn in your pocket to an interview or business meeting to encourage a greater outcome.

Time: Eighth New Moon
Approximation: July 8 - August 4, Coincides with Lammas/Lughnasadh
Properties: Rebirth, Alchemy, Longevity
Element: Earth
Tradition: Used for weapons and banishing spells. Wards against poison and animal attack. Soak leaves in water under the moon to create Holly water or Holy Water. Traditional decoration at Yule. The traditional protective herb of men and masculinity.

Time: Ninth New Moon
Approximation: August 5 - September 1
Properties: Longevity, Wisdom, Vitality, Knowledge
Element: Water
Tradition: The first gift you should give a new spouse to ensure a long, happy marriage. Ideal for spells, crafts, or rituals involving crucial decisions. Wish upon a hazelnut and toss it into a body of water for the best outcome.

Time: Tenth New Moon, Coincides with Mabon or Autumnal Equinox
Approximation: September 2 - September 29
Properties: Freedom, Joy, Wrath, Passion, Ambition
Element: Earth
Tradition: Bless and share a bottle of wine with as many of your family and friends as possible to bless, thank, and fortify all for their labors and friendship. Prudence in sleep, diet, indulgence, and exertion during this time will determine the health of your season.

Time: Eleventh New Moon
Approximation: September 30 - October 27
Properties: Maturity, Banishing, Cultivation, Education, Community
Element: Water
Tradition: The traditional protective herb of women and femininity. When women gather, all who form a circle and place their hands on Ivy will be blessed with true sight and demonstrate their cooperation and compassion for all those present.

Reed or Elm
Time: Twelfth New Moon, Coincides with Samhain
Approximation: October 28 - November 23
Properties: Death, Remembrance, Celebration, Devotion, Divination, Stamina, Fortitude
Element: Water
Tradition: When tied into a bundle and tossed into a fire, gossip and poor reputations of you vanish. When worn by a child, will strengthen against corruption and gullibility.

Time: Thirteen New Moon
Approximation: November 24 - December 23
Properties: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep, Blessing, Cursing
Element: Water

Tradition: Considered to be the most powerful protective amulet. When inscribed upon, can carry spells to those even halfway across the globe. When placed in the hands of a newborn, will imbue the greatest protection. When carried, can work against addiction and impulses.

Other Trees of Mention


Properties: Beauty, Love
Tradition: Eating an apple opens gateways to other realms. Bobbing for or offering apples at Samhain encourages our deceased to come visit us.

Properties: Love, Divination
Tradition: Cherry juice, like pomegranate, is used in rituals today in the place of blood.

Properties: Protection, Courage
Tradition: A wand made of Ebony will overcome a practitioner's lack of skill, but may have a mind of its own.

Properties: Attraction, Refinement, Rain-making
Tradition: Used in summoning spells of weather or ghosts.

Properties: Love, Longevity, Money
Tradition: Children who climb Maple trees will reach adulthood without flaw.


Properties: Knowledge, Sustainability
Tradition: Carve spells that will take months or years to effect into Beech for the best outcome.

Properties: Maturity, Stealth
Tradition: Used for memory or prophetic spells to recall things most distant.

Properties: Divination, Lust
Tradition: Used for recreational sex magic and not true love.

Properties: Robustness, Health
Tradition: When carried, can prevent accident, injury, and chronic pain.

Element: All
Properties: Psychic, Rebirth, Change
Tradition: Nearly all poisonous. Use only in banishing spells and never to consume.


Properties: Purification, Banishing, Balance
Tradition: Used for voodoo to fill poppets or dolls in order to imbue with life.

Properties: Healing, Purification, Money, Protection, Shrewdness
Tradition: Cedar is an effective incense against those who would do you harm as well to invigorate the mind.

Properties: Fidelity, Attraction
Tradition: Attract fortune when placed inside. Increases psychic distance when rubbed on the forehead.

Properties: Protection, Endurance, Motivation
Tradition: Conceal when competing or sport or contest.

Redwood, Sequoia
Properties: Love, Potentiality, Longevity, Balance
Tradition: Repels insects.


Properties: Protection, Truth, Ascent
Tradition: When carried, can help to speak for confidently or eloquently.

Properties: Resilience
Tradition: When picked at Midsummer can prevent fatal wounds. Nettles are burned to purify the home. Branches placed indoors at Midwinter ward sickness.

Properties: Ceremony, Ritual
Tradition: Prevents fire and theft.

Properties: Manipulation, Instrumentation
Tradition: Effective against all misfortune. Kiss your love beneath it to ensure a long, happy relationship.

Properties: Adaptability
Tradition: Used to dispel hexes and promote courage.

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