During the solar month of Libra, the moon becomes full in the supplementary sign of Aries. This moon is also known as the Hunter's Moon. The Sun directs external energies, while the moon reflects our most internal ones. Our dreams and subconsciousness are never greater than during the Full Moon. The Full Moon also corrects energies that have tipped out of balance and empowers us to abandon things that no longer serve us so that we may take advantage of new opportunities and interests. Below are the fiery themes to the Full Moon in Aries.
A Call to Action
Aries tells us to never settle for mediocrity and to stop going through the motions, doing things that don't make us happy. Integrity and honesty are her greatest held values, ergo watching someone not living their truth is the greatest tragedy. She itches and suffocates under mundane obligations. While Libra swarms with perfectionism and officious laws for harmony, Aries says "fuck that shit". She knows that fear is the only thing that holds people back from success and happiness. Find the courage to claim your independence and forge a life that you want. Aries tends to repress sensitive feelings and information for fear of
upsetting things or appearing weak or egotistical. Start acknowledging
your feelings as valid and, though they should be fair and not
impulsive, deserve just as much consideration.
Burn It To The Ground
Aries is the iconoclastic, messy-haired girl at the dinner table. Traditions, superficiality, materialism- she would set fire to a Christmas tree, if it would distract us from what we should be celebrating; intimate, passionate interactions with one another. Aries struggles to accept expectations put upon her for vanity's sake. "What is the higher purpose of this?" she pleas. Ask yourself if the daily considerations you give others are reciprocated and take notice of those who would use you as a doormat. Dismantle and wage war on systems that oppress any person on the basis
of their identity. Help others see another person for their character,
their livelihood, and their efforts.
What's Fair is Fair
Aries accepts everyone as they are and isn't interested in placing blame when mistakes happen. #Hufflepuff She expects honesty and equal effort from others. She knows that things aren't always black and white, and that intentions matter just as much as outcomes. This is the greatest way Aries challenges Libra. Stop holding people in your life to high expectations you know they will not achieve. In conflicts, don't resort to a "my way or the highway" policy; even it brings you to madness, hear others out. And quit baiting others and creating conflicts as a manipulative tactic to guarantee a planned outcome. If you have hurtful or gossip-mongering people in your life, gladly show them the way out.
All You Need Is Love
Let kindness and generosity be your guiding compass. In this life, you can be a demented warrior or a magnanimous knight. Many people are afraid of physical touch, such as hugs and other gestures. If you're such a person, ask yourself how this blockade emerged. Find the courage to lower your walls and let people become close to you. Intimacy is not a relinquishment of power or authority. In your lifetime, someone may hurt you, but fortify yourself in the strength and love you possess for yourself and others. Aries reminds us that human connection and touch is so crucial to our mental and emotional well-being, to be without it would ultimately be depressing, despite all of your best efforts for a stoic or apathetic facade.
1. Live your truth
2. Be comfortable telling people "fuck that!"
3. Never stop empowering others
4. Things are gray
5. Encourage people to articulate their feelings
6. Kindness is my religion
7. I am strong when I am transparent
8. Hug it out
Happy Full Moon! We love you all!
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