Glossary: Antiquated and Obscure Words

This compilation of words was inspired by sites like Luciferous Logolepsy that are dedicated to collecting antiquated and obscure words. We hope that you will enjoy skimming through them and comment with any additions you may have.

Words for Ability and Particularity 

adroit (adj.) - skilled with hands or body, resourceful, clever
ambisinister (adj.) - clumsy or unskillful with both hands
bailiwick (noun) - a person's area of skill, knowledge, authority, or work
heuristic (noun/adj.) - enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves
impetuous (adj.) - acting or done quickly and without thought or care

jettison (noun, verb) - to throw goods overboard to lighten a vessel in distress or act of
pancratic (adj.) - by or giving mastery of all subjects or matters
sagacious (adj.) - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd
soporific (adj.) - tending to induce drowsiness or sleep
spirituel (adj.) - showing or having a refined and graceful mind or wit, airy or ethereal
supererogate (verb) - to do more than duty requires
taciturn (adj.) - (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little

Words for Absurdity and Vivacity

bumper (noun) - a generous glassful of an alcoholic drink, typically one drunk as a toast
farrago (noun) - a confused mixture or concoction
imbroglio (noun) - an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation
jape (noun, verb) - to mock, joke or jest
perfuncturate (verb) - To perform in a perfunctory manner; to do negligently
quaff (verb) - drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily
raillery (noun) - good-humored teasing or banter
rhapsodize (verb) - speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight
skylark (verb) - pass time by playing tricks or practical jokes; indulge in horseplay
soirée (noun) - an evening party or gathering, typically in a private house, for conversation or music
wassail (noun, verb) - spiced ale or mule, or to drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way

Words for Boldness and Strength

ardor (noun) - great warmth or feeling, fervor, burning heat
daunt (verb) - to overcome with fear, intimidate or frighten, lessen courage of
degage (adj.) - easy in manner or style, detached
gainsay (verb) - to deny, dispute, contradict, speak or act against, oppose
inveigh (verb) - to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words
malapert (adj.) - unbecomingly bold or saucy
obdurate (adj.) - unmoved by persuasion, pity or tender feelings, unyielding
raffish (adj.) - unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner
recalcitrant (adj.) - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
rococo (adj.) - extravagantly or excessively ornate, especially, as of music or literature
sardonic (adj.) - grimly mocking or cynical
sockdolager (noun) - a forceful or final blow
sophomania (noun) - unrealistic belief in one's own intelligence
supercilious (adj.) - behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others
trenchant (adj.) - vigorous or incisive in expression or style

Words for Compassion and Infatuation

alphamegamia (noun) - the marriage between a young woman and older man
appetency (noun) - a longing or desire, or a natural tendency or affinity
concupiscent (adj.) - filled with lust
deference (noun) - respectful submission to another's judgment, opinion, will
deprecate (verb) - to express earnest disapproval of, protest against a scheme
eleemosynary (adj.) - pertaining to or dependent on charity
ensconce (verb) - establish or settle someone or something in a comfortable, safe, or secret place
exhort (verb) - to urge, advise, or caution earnestly, admonish urgently
imago (noun) - an unconscious, idealized mental image of someone, especially a parent, that
incalescent (adj.) - increasing in heat or ardor, especially from infatuation
influences a person's behavior
phlegmatic (adj.) - having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition, also stolid
supplicate (verb) - ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly
uxorious (adj.) - having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife

Words for Context and Rhetoric

accismus (noun) - form of irony wherein person pretends not to want an object they truly desire
circumlocution (noun) - use of many words to express an idea that could otherwise be in few
dilogy (noun) - R.D. where one is deliberately ambiguous
epiplexis (noun) - R.D. where one reproaches the audience in order to convince or persuade
exegesis (noun) - a critical, in-depth explanation
felicitous (adj.) - well-suited for the occasion, as an action, manner or expression
hypophora (noun) - R.D. where one asks and answers their own question
laconic (adj.) - marked by minimum of words, brusque
mimesis (noun) - rhetorical immitation of another's words or mannerisms, slangly meme
mot juste (noun) - a word or phrase that exactly fits the case
noema (noun) - stating something obscurely in order to force others to work it out
ostensibly (adv.) - purportedly or apparently, but perhaps not actually
parapraxis (noun) - a freudian slip, error in speech, memory, or physical action
paromologia (noun) - partial admission of opponent's argument to strengthen one's final position
rigmarole (noun) - a lengthy and complicated procedure, story, or statement
saga (noun) - a long story of heroic achievement

Words for the Cosmic and Exalted

alate (adj.) - having wings or wing-like appendages
ambrosial (adj.) - worthy of the gods
angelocracy (noun) - rule or domination by angels
apogee (noun) - the highest point in the development of something, apex
august (adj.) - inspiring reverence, majestic or venerable
auspicious (adj.) - favored by fortune
benison (noun) - a blessing or utterance of good wishes
corruscate (verb) - (of light) flash or sparkle, also scintillate
echelon (noun) - a level of command, authority or rank
empyrean (adj.) - belonging to or deriving from heaven, in particular the highest part
entheat (adj.) - divinely inspired
halidom (noun) - a sanctuary or object considered holy or sacred, also fane
ineffable (adj.) - too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
interregnum (noun) - interval of time between reigns, any interruption in continuity
isangelous (adj.) - as good as or equal to angels
lustration (noun) - policy or ceremony performed before entering a holy place
numinous (adj.) - inspiring awe and reverence, filled with a sense of supernatural presence
orison (noun) - a prayer, usually said aloud
paragon (noun) - a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality
prognosticate (verb) - foretell or prophesy (an event in the future)
satori (noun) - sudden enlightenment
septemvir (noun) - a ruling body of seven
talaria (noun) - winged sandals as worn by certain gods, especially Hermes
theophany (noun) - a visible manifestation to humankind of God or a god
venerate (verb) - regard with great respect, to revere
zenith (noun) - the time at which something is most powerful or successful

Words for Crassness and Indecency

asperity (noun) - harshness of tone or manner
brusque (adj.) - abrupt in manner, blunt, rough
dudgeon (noun) - state or fit of intense indignation, resentment, or ill humor
eristic (adj.) - pertaining to arguing for its own sake
eschew (verb) - to avoid or shun
flout (verb) - to treat with contempt and disregard
fulsome (adj.) - offensive to taste or sense, insincere or excessively lavish
mordant (adj.) - sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker
obtrude (verb) - to thrust something on someone uninvitedly
onerous (adj.) - involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome
peccadillo (noun) - a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin
pillory (verb) - attack or ridicule publicly
ribald (adj.) - referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way
vouchsafe (verb) - to give or grant someone something, in a condescending or gracious way

Word for Criticism

animadvert (verb) - to comment unfavorably or critically
arbitrary (adj.) - based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
aspersion (noun) - a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism, or the act of
benighted (adj.) - in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance
captious (adj.) - marked by a disposition to find fault or raise objections
chichi (adj.) - attempting stylish elegance but achieving only an overelaborate pretentiousness
diatribe (noun) - sharp, bitter attack or criticism
excoriate (verb) - to flay verbally
flounce (verb) - go or move in an exaggeratedly impatient or angry manner
foofaraw (noun) - a great deal of fuss or attention given to a minor matter
gimcrack (noun) - flimsy or poorly made but deceptively attractive
harangue (noun) - scolding, long, intense verbal attack
insipid (adj.) - lacking flavor, vigor, or interest, antonym: sapid
maculate (verb) - to stain or make impure
objurgate (verb) - to express strong disapproval of, to criticize severely
officious (adj.) - aggressive in offering uninvited help or advice
pablum (noun) - bland or insipid intellectual fare, entertainment, etc.
palaver (verb, noun) - to talk unnecessarily at length
pique (noun) - a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one's pride
recriminate (verb) - to counter with accusations
stultify (verb) - cause to lose enthusiasm, initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine
tendentious (adj.) - expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, especially a controversial one
torpor (noun) - a state of physical or mental inactivity
touchstone (noun) - a standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized
velleity (noun) - a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action
vilipend (verb) - regard as worthless or of little value, depreciate
waylay (verb) - stop or interrupt (someone) and detain them in conversation or trouble them in some other way
zugzwang (noun) - a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage

Words for Darkness and Occultism

ampulla (noun) - a flask for sacred uses such as holding holy oil
cruse (noun) - an earthenware pot or jar
perdition (noun) - a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death
periapt (noun) - an item worn as a charm or amulet
philter (noun) - a drink supposed to arouse desire for a particular person, love potion
tenebrific (adj.) - producing darkness
thanatism (noun) - the belief that the soul ceases to exist when the body dies
vade mecum (noun) - a handbook or guide that is kept constantly at hand for consultation
vespertilian (adj.) - pertaining to bats or other creatures of the night
vestigial (adj.) - forming a very small remnant of something that was once much larger or more noticeable

Words for Deception and Manipulation

abscond (verb) - to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp to avoid legal consequences
adumbrate (verb, adj.) - to produce faint image or resemblance, conceal or darken partially
bilk (verb) - defraud, cheat, swindle
blandishment (noun) - action or speech, that tends to flatter, coax, entice
bowdlerize, expurgate (verb) - to remove or modify the parts considered offensive
cadge (verb) - to borrow without intent to repay
cajole (verb) - persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
chicanery (noun) - use of trickery to deceive, also skulduggery
collogue (verb) - to confer secretly
cozen (verb) - to deceit or obtain by deceit
defalcate (verb) - to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one's care
foment (verb) - instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action), also invidious
eisegesis (noun) - interpretation expressing interpreter's own ideas/bias rather than actual meaning
equivocate (verb) - to use ambiguous expressions, to avoid commitment or mislead, to palter
flummox (verb) - to confuse or perplex
inscrutable (adj.) - incapable of being analyzed, not easily understood
inveigle (verb) - to acquire by beguiling talk or methods
kenspeckle (adj.) - conspicuous
legerdemain (noun) - sleight of hand, artful deception
levant (verb) - run away, typically leaving unpaid debts
malinger (verb) - to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty or avoid work
mendacious (adj.) - telling lies, habitually dishonest, untruthful
obfuscate (adj.) - to make obscure, unclear or abstruse, darken
palliate (verb) - make less severe, uncomfortable, or disguise the gravity of
prevaricate (verb) - to make a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
renege (verb) - to go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract
skulk (verb) - keep out of sight, typically with a sinister or cowardly motive
sophistry (noun) - the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving
stonewall (verb) - delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies, especially in politics
tarradiddle (noun) - a petty lie
venal (adj.) - showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery
verisimilitude (noun) - the appearance of being true or real

Words for Epithets and Roles

apothecary (noun) - a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs
beldam (noun) - an old woman, also gammer
bellwether (noun) - a leader of a movement or activity, a leading indicator of future trends
bibliopole (noun) - person who buys and sells books, especially rare ones
buck (noun) - a fashionable and daring young man
cicisbeo (noun) - the man with whom a women is having an a air
cotquean (noun) - a man who busies himself with women's work or affairs
coxcomb (noun) - a vain and conceited man, a dandy
dandiprat (noun) - a young or insignificant person
demagogue (noun) - a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument, populist
eminence gris (noun) - a person who wields power or exerts influence behind the scenes
fainéant (noun) - an idle or ineffective person, also lurdan
famulus (noun) - an assistant or servant, especially one working for a magician or scholar
fizgig (noun) - a gadding flirting girl or woman
gadabout (noun) - a habitual socialite or pleasure-seeker
gallant (noun) - a man who pays special attention to women
gudgeon (noun) - a credulous or easily fooled person
harridan (noun) - a strict, bossy, or belligerent woman
iconoclast (noun, adj. [-ic]) - breaker or destroyer of images held precious or sacred
jade (noun) - an ill-tempered or disreputable woman
magdalen (noun) - a reformed prostitute
pachyderm (noun) - a person who is not sensitive to criticism or ridicule
philodox (noun) - a person who loves or vehemently propounds his or her own opinions
picaroon (noun) - a rogue or scoundrel, also varlet
poltroon (noun) - an utter coward, also scaramouch is they are a braggart
popinjay (noun) - a vain or conceited person, especially one who dresses or behaves extravagantly
quidnunc (noun) - an inquisitive and gossipy person
rapscallion (noun) - a mischievous person
revenant (noun) - a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead
ruffian (noun) - a violent person, especially one involved in crime
scapegrace (noun) - a mischievous or wayward person, especially a young person or child, rascal
sciolist (noun) - a person who pretends to be knowledgeable and well informed
sirrah (noun) - a condescending term for a male, younger or of lower status, also carl
slugabed (noun) - a lazy person who stays in bed late
solifidian (noun) - one who maintains that faith alone, without the performance of good works, is all that is necessary for salvation
sorner (noun) - one who obtrudes himself on another for bed and board
swain (noun) - a young lover or suitor
virago (noun) - a woman of masculine strength or spirit, a female warrior

Words for Health & Cuisine

aliment (noun, verb) - something that nourishes or sustains the mind or body, or to do so
anastasis (noun, adj. -tic) - recovery from a debilitating condition, especially irradiation of tissue
deleterious (adj.) - injurious to health
farinaceous (adj.) - consisting or made of flour or meal
kickshaw (noun) - a fancy but insubstantial cooked dish
olio (n) - a miscellaneous collection of things, such as a culinary dish
roborant (noun, adj.) - a medicine, treatment, etc. that has a strengthening or restorative effect
salubrious (adj.) - beneficial to health
soupçon (noun) - a very small quantity or trace of something
winnow (verb) - remove (people or things) from a group until only the best ones are left

Word for Nature and the Elements

alfresco (adv.) - in the open air, outdoors
apricate (verb) - to bask in the sunshine
balefire (noun) - a large open-air fire; a bonfire
billow (noun, verb) - to rise or roll in like a great wave, a surge
brumal (adj.) - of or pertaining to winter
chatoyant (adj.) - changing in luster or color
effloresce (verb) - to burst into bloom
efflux (noun) - outward flow or lapse of time or passing away, expiration
embouchure (noun) the mouth of a river or valley
estival (adj.) - of or pertaining to summer
foudroyant (adj.) - sudden, as like lightning
fulgurate (verb) - to flash or dart like lightning
garth (noun) - a yard or garden, particularly in a monastery
heliolatry (noun) - worship of the sun
lignify (verb) - make rigid and woody by the deposition of lignin in cell walls
maelstrom (noun) - a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river
matutinal (adj.) - pertaining to or occurring in the morning
nebulize (verb) - to become vague or indistinct, as like a fine spray
noctivagant (adj.) - wandering around at night
procellous (adj.) - stormy, as like the sea
rarefy (verb) - to make or become less thin or less dense, refined, as like air
spindrift (noun) - spray blown from the crests of waves by the wind
surreptitious (adj.) - kept secret, especially because it would not be approved
taiga (noun) - a swampy forest, particularly in arctic latitudes
torrefy (verb) - to dry or roast with fire, also ustulate

Words for Truth and Virtue

abnegate (verb) - to refuse or deny oneself some rights or conveniences, renounce
aphorism (noun) - a concise saying embodying a general truth or sagacious observation, maxim
axiomatic (adj.) - self-evident or unquestionable, also subaudition
aver (verb) - to assert or affirm with confidence or declare as fact
confute (verb) - to prove to be false
contrite (adj.) - cause by of showing sincere remorse
elucidate (verb) - to clarify or make clear
evince (verb) - to bring to light
exculpate (verb) - to clear from a charge of guilt or fault
expiate (verb) - to atone for, makes amends or reparation for
futilitarian (noun) - believing that human hopes are vain and unjustified
indaba (noun) - a meeting to discuss a serious topic
oriflamme (noun) - a principle or ideal that serves as a rallying point in a struggle
probity (noun) - the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency
shrift (noun) - a confession, usually said to a priest
veracious (adj.) - speaking or representing the truth, also veriloquent

Words for Violence and Vengeance

anathema (noun) - person or thing detested or loathed
bellicose (adj.) - inclined or eager to fight, aggressively hostile, belligerent, pugnacious
brannigan (noun) - brawl
diktat (noun) - a harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated party or authoritative decree, also ukase
disconcert (verb) - to disturb the composure of
donnybrook (noun) - brawl, free-for-all, heated quarrel of dispute
immolate (verb) - to sacrifice, kill or destroy often by fire
irascible (adj.) - easily provoked to anger, characterized or produced by anger
lupine (adj.) - savage, pertaining to or resembling the wolf
paroxysm (noun) - a sudden attack or violent expression of a particular emotion or activity
pernicious (adj.) - having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way
procrustean (adj.) - tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means
rancor (noun) - bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing
recidivism (noun) - the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
scurrilous (adj.) - making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation
vicissitude (noun) - a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant

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