Astrology: Full Moon in Pisces

When the Sun shines through one sign, the Full Moon appears in the opposite, creating a 'yin and yang'. The Full Moon criticizes and corrects overtones and energies that have tipped out of balance, and empowers us to purge, modify, and adopt new energies to better serve ourselves. During the solar month of Virgo, the moon grows full in Pisces. Virgo employs subjectivity and believes in a general order to things, whereas Pisces demands objectivity and an acknowledgement of multiple perspectives. The Virgin utilizes empirical evidence and the Fishes' methodology is abstract, comparative, and intuitive. Below are some of the ways you can assess your present self and utilize this month's Full Moon to your advantage.

Health is a large concern for each of these signs. The Virgin is a hypochondriac and is plagued with mood swings and other emotional disorders. The Fish enjoy a very healthy constitution, but are vulnerable to external accidents and illnesses. If you don't already have a practice of listening to your body, begin checking in with it from time to time. Learn to supplement and prevent ailments that you observe from your own body, instead of taking some random vitamins or the advice of others.

With the Autumnal Equinox approaching, we're encouraged to reflect upon our decisions and the paths we're presently taking. If you're in a bad place mentally or emotionally, identify what in your life could be bringing you down. If you think you may be imbalanced, seek help or counsel. But too often, as Pisces shows us, we ignore the fact that we control much of what we allow into our lives. Do not dismiss your bad habits and choices. Take a long stare in the mirror and ask yourself whether the things you put into your body are yielding the results you desire. Pisces recommends diets high in ginger, turmeric, peppers, garlic, onions, and spices that agitate the senses.

Amulets such as the hamsa and the evil eye are ideal for anyone with strong influences from Virgo or Pisces. Since these people have a strong, magnetic energy that draws others in and keeps them with charisma, intellect, and humor, too often will they attract stalkers, fanatics, and those who would do them harm. Pisces teaches us to have faith, compassion, and forgiveness for others, as well as always striving to find the good in everyone, but also to sense the intentions and values of others. Psychology and sociology are the greatest manifestations of the Fish. Shy of security cameras or a firearm in a dresser, placing candles, bells, and mirrors near doors and windows aid in repelling unwelcome energy.

Virgo's thought process is based around application and can be rudimentary, falling prey to false dichotomies and hasty generalizations. She is a perfectionist who is more concerned with tangible outcomes than intentions, which is fitting since this moon is also called the Harvest Moon. Pisces can see and respect dualities, but teaches us the value of concepts, synergy, and placing things on spectrums. Words and phrases like 'conversely', 'in contrast to', and 'not necessarily' are heard frequently of the Fishes. Its very easy and very lazy to draw quick conclusions and opinions about situations, stories, and things that are happening in the news and world around us. Strive always to dig deeper, ignore sensationalism, and think before you speak.

Lastly, sex! Virgo has a lot of shyness, self-doubt, and insecurity around sex and body image. Virgo denies herself intimacy and Pisces would cringe and weep at the very idea. Jupiter just moved into Libra. Between those two, if you're not humping your couch, you're probably watching anime or a Nora Robert's Lifetime movie with ice cream- and that's just wrong. Muster some confidence and put yourself on the market! If you're not enjoying a rich sex life, ask yourself why not!?

Happy Fall Equinox and Full Moon to all of you! Flowers and wine with a hottie under the Full Moon is a great place to start!

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