Health: Amino Acids and Where to Find Them

There are approximately twenty amino acids that are required for optimal health. Some sources list more or less to serve their points. Some amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from diet. They are the building blocks of all biological proteins and are necessary for growth, maintenance and repair.

Myths around obtaining all of them only possible by consuming animals are unfounded. Below is a list of the best plant-based sources, with 100% or more of the recommended daily amount. Gluten and soy have been omitted here, but their amino acid content was still often lower than the examples provided. However, fermented foods such as natto, tamari or tempeh are exceptional sources of amino acids and are generally considered less dangerous than conventional soy products.

Spirulina, seaweed and other greens dominate this list containing thousands of milligrams of the listed amino acid. Spirulina is available in convenient tablets, that you can purchase cheaply at Swanson Health Products. The information below was provided by SELFNutritionData based on 200 calorie servings.

Alanine: Spirulina, seaweed, watercress, turnip green, mushrooms
Arginine: Spirulina, spinach, watercress, mustard greens, pumpkin seeds
Asparagine: Asparagus, potatoes
Aspartic acid: Spirulina, asparagus, kidney beans, bamboo shoots

Cysteine: Spirulina, seaweed, lentils, carrots, oats
Glutamine: Spinach, parsley, cabbage, lentils, peas
Glutamic Acid: Spirulina, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes
Glycine: Spirulina, seaweed, spinach, watercress

Histidine: Spirulina, kidney beans
Isoleucine: Spirulina, seaweed, watercress, swiss chard, cabbage
Leucine: Spirulina, watercress, alfalfa sprouts, turnip greens, kidney beans
Lysine: Spirulina, watercress, parsley

Methionine: Spirulina, seaweed
Phenylalanine: Spirulina, seaweed, spinach, watercress, kidney beans
Proline: Spirulina, watercress, cabbage, asparagus, bamboo shoots
Serine: Spirulina, seaweed, asparagus, kidney beans, bamboo shoots

Threonine: Spirulina, seaweed, spinach, turnip greens, watercress
Tryptophan: Spirulina, spinach, watercress, turnip greens, chia seeds, mushrooms
Tyrosine: Spirulina, seaweed, spinach, watercress, mustard greens
Valine: Spirulina, seaweed, watercress, peas, mushrooms

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