Astrology: Jupiter in Libra

This powerful transit is one that everyone senses in the days and weeks leading up to it. Jupiter is responsible for setting the central theme or tone for a full calendar year, which means that Jupiter won't be leaving Libra until about this time next Fall.

Jupiter represents our luck, direction, aptitude, growth, expansion, development and shows us the path to our personal success and prosperity, as well as shaping much of the social and political atmosphere. Over the last year while he's been in Virgo, that theme was arduous and, at times, scathing. Virgo believes that success is the product of hard work, that you reap what you sow, and has a tendency to be critical, caustic, and ruthless. Many of us experienced an increase in wealth and financial stability with Virgo, but also major setbacks in our careers. Virgo tends to become dissatisfied with routines and mediocrity and will abandon or upset potentially beneficial endeavors in search of something more exciting or seemingly rewarding. Mutable signs did have the greatest advantage, finding new opportunities, some moving across states, beginning lasting relationships or even getting married. But now welcome Libra and her objectives.

1. Eros, Erotic Love
Aphrodite, the patroness of erotic love and spokesperson for the sign Libra, encourages us to abandon our fears of vulnerability and allow ourselves to enjoy the very human, physical and emotional intimacy we all need and often deny ourselves. Jupiter in Libra reassures us that relationships add substance to our lives and can be healthy, rewarding, and motivating. Libra also nudges us to abandon toxic relationships and seek out ones that are mutually beneficial, where power is shared and equal.

2. Philia, Brotherly Love
Through Libra, we learn that nothing adds more value to our lives than sharing it with those around us. Our friends and family we keep should enrich and endow us with fun times and joyful memories. If you've been withdrawn from others, now is a great time to cherish those dearest to you with love and gratitude. Attend gatherings, parties, or events that would give you the opportunity to usefully broaden your social circle or professional connections.

3. Business
Libra governs the seventh house, the house of relationships. She fosters new business and entrepreneurship by leveraging those around us. Networking and building professional connections gives us new tools and new markets to expand in. This year is the year to throw your ideas out there. Find others to join you in your venture. Start a web show series, an online store, a blog, a gallery, or join a radio show. Now is an ideal time to make major career changes and take professional and financial risks.

4. Justice
Libra excels at and awards diplomacy, demanding justice and liberty for everyone. In your businesses and interactions with others, strive to identify solutions and outcomes that are fair and conscientious of the long-term consequences for everyone involved. Libra is certainly no charity though, willingly helping those who help themselves. Unlike Aquarius' welfare tendencies, Libra requires everyone to put in some skin and would give someone the tools to create their own wealth, before they'd hand out money. If you've been getting by on the help of others, or helping someone yourself, it's time to step it up and become more independent. Set personal and financial goals for yourself this year that are meaningful and achievable.

5. Passion
Aphrodite's a passionate, zealous, restless, intensely intelligent, artist and lover of change. She gives favor to us when we engage in creative energy, artistic mediums, mediating, counseling, working closely with the public, blogging or writing. Now is a great time to mix up your style, home decor, and show it off. Become engaged in the world around you, taking note of social issues and speaking out against inequality. Animal rights, education, gender equality, and liberty are all very personal to the Libra sign. Find what you're passionate about, get involved with community groups that share your interests, and inspire others around you positively, without protest or provocation.

6. Harmony
The Scales stand to remind us to create balance in every aspect of our lives. Whether that's between work and home, friends and family, spouse and children, and so on. Chances are, in the last couple of weeks, you caught that bug to purge your home, rearrange, and clean it up. Keep that momentum going. Fall cleaning is way more critical than spring cleaning! Create space in your home that's just yours. Whether that's a corner to enjoy a cup of tea, a comfy chair, an altar or shrine space. We spend most of our time consumed with work and taking care of others. Slow down, do less for everyone else, and do things that are beneficial for yourself. You're no good to anyone if you're uncollected and falling apart.

7. Respect
We're often guilty of having high expectations of others, sometimes higher than the ones we hold of ourselves or when we went through a similar time or situation. In our friendships and relationships, we create conflicts just to have excuses, scapegoats, or see how others react. We're judgemental of people and the things they choose to engage in. Libra would have us exercise more fairness and understanding of others' situations, and respect everyone's right to pursue happiness, so long as people are taking care of their business and not disrupting others. Respect your partner or friends as equals and give them fair consideration in all applications. Strive to have greater esteem for your fellow man for their thoughtful positions and only debate things with courtesy and logic.

8. Libra's Shortcomings
As for the things you should avoid, remember Libra can be dramatic, narcissistic, and rash. We can be incorrect in our perceptions of fairness and demand too much of others. When unsure about things, find friends that you trust and bounce things off of them. While this next year will hopefully be a very restorative one, remember to always inspect yourself for balance and consideration of others. While doing things for yourself to promote your health and well-being, don't mistake indulgence or material possessions as necessarily beneficial. Libra can be dogmatic and demonstrative about her passions and opinions. Remember that you only inspire others to make positive changes in their own lives by living what you preach and not by proselytizing, or forcing things upon others.

I hope that Jupiter in Libra is a sensual, love-filled, expansive year for all of us. Take care and leave any questions or comments below. :)

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